suz in rome

05 giugno 2006

003 primo giorno nel lavoro

Today I started work at 3 pm, just enough time to meet people in the Sites department at ICCROM and learn a little more about what my project will be while I am here. ICCROM (International Center for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage) is an international non-profit organization similar to UNESCO. There are 180 member countries, and this office in Rome, is the only physical office of the group. There are about 45 employees here in the office in Trastevere (translates to "across the Tiber"). My department is the Sites department, and we number about 10-12. There are 8 full-time employees and the rest are interns and fellows. So far I have met no other Americans. My colleagues are from Sri Lanka, Africa, Bulgaria, Canada, UK, and Japan, so far.
ICCROM is similar to US/ICOMOS (the other non-profit sponsoring this fellowship), but while US/ICOMOS is more focused on the "why"of cultural heritage, ICCROM deals with the "how". They sponsor courses, primarily taught in Europe, about conservation. Interesting to note that in the US the prevalent term is 'preservation' and elsewhere it tends to be 'conservation''. Anyway, they have traditionally had courses on topics such as Stone Conservation, Wood Conservation, Earth Construction Conservation and Modern Architecture. They are proposing a new course on structural engineering concerns and I am going to be developing a questionaire and outline of how the course might run. I am also going to have input on the Modern Architecture course, due to my fabulous experience with the Farnsworth House from when I worked at the National Trust.
I walked here from Piazzale Clodio, down by San Pietro and essentially followed the Tevere the rest of the way. It's really pleasant to walk along the river, since there are droopy shade trees covering the path and few opportunities to get run over by a car or motorcycle.
In softball news, I just found out that JMU, the perennial powerhouse in our division, suffered a loss to Florida over the weekend, which gives my Tigers a decent chance to repeat as division champions.


At 7:02 PM GMT+1, Anonymous Anonimo said...


No coaching disasters so far. Enjoy!



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