004 penso che piovera' stasera
Day two at work, and not too many people here. The director of the Sites Dept., Joseph King, won't be in until Friday, and the assistant director had to leave for Sri Lanka. So I will be spending some time in the library getting familiar with the courses offered by ICCROM.
Instead of going through the streets today, I walked along the Tevere for the entire distance. It was really peaceful and there weren't too many people there, just a handful of people on bikes or walking their dogs.
Since I didn't have to come into work until the afternoon again today, I spent the morning walking around Trastevere, and I stumbled on Bramante's Tempietto in San Pietro di Montorio, from 1502. The Tempietto (little temple) was built in honor of the spot where San Pietro was martyred. Later, it was discovered that the event actually occured elsewhere, but the Tempietto remains.