suz in rome

22 giugno 2006

028 qui sono al campidoglio

Although apparently I give a good outward appearance of being Italian (people, mostly Italians, ask me for directions non-stop), I'm feeling a little frustrated with my lack of language acquisition so far. Maybe it's because Delfina's out of town this week so I'm not speaking Italian at night with her. Regardless, I'm going to the bookstore after work today to try to get some flashcards (pre-made or blank). I'm also trying to find a source for Pimsleur Italian. I may post an ad on

Auburn softball moves up to #15 in this week's coaches poll. Since we are leading our division, we get the honor of coaching the All-Star game coming up in 2 weeks. Yes, I'm a little sad that I'm not there to coach the All-Star game, but I'm sure JG will do a great job.

And tonight's a big night in the Mondiale - 2 of the following 4 teams will be eliminated after tonight. Tune in at 4 pm Italy time or 10 am EST: US vs Ghana and Italy vs Czech Republic.

027 miei documenti

Ooooh, yesterday I got an official card from the Italian government (Ministry of Culture) that gives me free entrance to pretty much anything in Rome. I am very excited. The ICOMOS card gets you in to the bigger places (Vatican Museums, Castel Sant'Angelo), but I doubt that it would be recognized in the smaller places. So now, I don't have to worry about spending 10 euros to visit the Colosseum. It doesn't seem like much, but these things can add up quickly. So now, between these 3 IDs, I shouldn't have any problems getting into any museums or cultural sites in the city, so I will be visiting Villa Borghese, Villa Farnese, Museo Capitolino, Musei Vaticani, Catacombe, etc etc.

Also, you'll notice that my title on the card is, which stands for "dottoressa". This translates directly to 'doctor', but it is really just a title given to anyone with a college degree.